Video: Building Resilience

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We all know that having resilience in life is tied directly to one’s happiness. In general, the more resilient a person is — that is, the more easily they can bounce back from life’s downs — the happier a life they will lead.

So the question then becomes, How does one build resilience? Can we nurture it like we nurture our creativity or intimacy?

In this video, Psych Central’s Ask the Therapists Daniel J. Tomasulo, Ph.D. & Marie Hartwell-Walker, Ed.D. discuss the issue of how does a person make their relationship work. What goes into making a relationship successful? Find out by watching the segment below:

The 4 tips offered by Dr. Marie in the video to help build resilience are:

What’s going right with your day?
Act more positive than you feel
Acting kind
Dress as though you’re successful
Dr. Dan adds one more:

Challenge your thoughts — “Is there another way to look at this?”
Dr. Marie and Dr. Dan host many videos on relationship and mental health topics here on our blog and you can check them out on our YouTube channel. Want to learn more about Dr. Marie and Dr. Dan?

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